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Kinship Retreat – Wichita | KCSN

| Free

Taking on the responsibility of kinship caregiving for a child can be an incredibly challenging and rewarding task. It requires a great deal of strength, patience, and dedication. From the moment you step into this role, you become the primary caregiver for a child who may have experienced trauma or loss. It is not an easy journey. Please join us as we spend the first day talking about trauma and how it impacts a child’s emotional and physical well-being. On day two, we will focus on the caregiver and how becoming a kinship caregiver impacts multiple facets including family dynamics, emotional well-being, including guilt, hope and denial, loyalty, engaging parents, resilience, and self-care. The retreat includes one night hotel stay, lunch on Saturday/Sunday, and a child care stipend*.

*While child care at the retreat is NOT available or provided, there is a stipend available to help cover the cost
of child care, if needed.