
Benefits of Openness in Adoption: Fostering Belonging and Identity

By Crystal Fox, Manager of Family Support Programs | FosterAdopt Connect


Openness in adoption refers to the practice of sharing information and maintaining contact between adoptees, their birth parents, and adoptive families. This approach has gained increased recognition in the past several years for its potential to enhance the well-being and adjustment of adopted individuals. Here are three key benefits of an openness in adoption (OA) approach:

  1. OA decreases adoptee’s sense of abandonment

Adoption can often trigger feelings of abandonment in adoptees. They may wonder why their birth parent’s rights were severed and why they were unable to provide a stable home. OA can help alleviate these feelings by providing adoptees with access to information about their birth parents and the circumstances surrounding their adoption. Knowing that they were not abandoned but rather placed with a family who can meet their needs can significantly reduce adoptees’ sense of rejection and loss.

  1. OA increases a sense of identity

OA also allows adoptees to explore their biological and cultural heritage. By having contact with their birth family, they can gain insights into their family history, medical information, and physical characteristics. This knowledge can help adoptees forge a stronger sense of identity and feel connected to both their birth and adoptive families. OA also provides adoptees with a sense of belonging and reduces the feelings of being different or out of place.

  1. Adoptee’s attachments to adoptive parents are bolstered by OA

Contrary to common misconceptions, openness does not diminish an adoptee’s attachment to their adoptive parents. In fact, it can enhance it. By understanding the reasons behind their adoption and knowing their birth parents love them, adoptees can feel more secure with their adoptive family. OA also allows adoptive parents to build a stronger relationship with their child by being transparent about their adoption journey and answering any questions the child may have. It can decrease an adoptee’s sense of abandonment, strengthen their sense of identity, and encourage their attachment to adoptive parents. By embracing openness, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals involved in adoption.