
  • Building a Spirit of Openness in Adoption

    Adoption has always been associated with a closed narrative, primarily due to the prevailing belief in the importance of privacy and secrecy. Throughout history, there has been a stigma attached to adoption, leading to the notion that it is best for the child and birth parents if the child remains unaware of their true origin. This approach aimed to protect the child from any potential emotional distress or confusion that may arise from knowing their adoption story.

    The closed narrative surrounding adoption was rooted in the belief that it was in the best interest of the child to shield them from the complexities of their origin. By keeping the adoption a secret, it was thought that the child would be spared any feelings of abandonment or rejection. Birth parents were often encouraged to keep their identities hidden, and it was believed that revealing their involvement in the adoption process could lead to societal judgment or even harm.

    However, as society has evolved and our understanding of adoption has deepened, there has been a shift towards embracing a more open narrative. Recognizing the importance of transparency and honesty, many now advocate for adoptees to have access to their adoption story. This shift acknowledges that knowing one’s origin can provide a sense of identity and belonging, allowing adoptees to better understand their personal history and make informed decisions about their lives. By embracing openness, we can create an environment where adoptees feel supported and empowered, enabling them to navigate their adoption journey with confidence and self-assurance.